Water & Wastewater Multiparameter (with COD) Photometer and pH meter
HI83399 is a compact, multiparameter photometer for measuring key water and wastewater quality parameters. The meter is one of the most advanced photometers available with a innovative optical design that utilizes a reference detector and focusing lens to eliminate errors from changes in the light source and from imperfections in the glass cuvette. 40 key water and wastewater quality parameters with 73 different methods covering multiple ranges are programmed into the meter. Wastewater treatment digestion parameters include COD, Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous which are important for monitoring nutrient removal. The HI83399 also offers an absorbance measurement mode for performance verification and for users that would like to develop their own concentration versus absorbance curves.
To save valuable laboratory benchtop space, the HI83399 doubles as a professional pH meter with its digital pH/temperature electrode input. Now one meter can be used for both photometric and pH measurements.
pH Specifications
pH Range | Photometer: 6.5 to 8.5 pH pH electrode: -2.00 to 16.00 pH |
pH Resolution | Photometer: 0.1 pH pH electrode: 0.01 pH |
pH Accuracy | Photometer: ±0.1 pH pH electrode: ±0.01 pH |
pH Calibration | Automatic one or two point calibration with one set of standard buffers available (4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01) |
pH Temperature Compensation | Automatic (-5.0 to 100.0 oC; 23.0 to 212.0 oF); limits reduced based on the pH electrode used |
pH CAL Check (electrode diagnostics) | clean electrode and check buffer/check probe displayed during calibration |
pH Method | Photometer: phenol red |
pH-mV Range | ±1000 mV |
pH-mV Resolution | 0.1 mV |
pH-mV Accuracy | ±0.2 mV |
Oxygen, Dissolved Specifications
Oxygen, Dissolved Range | 0.0 to 10.0 mg/L (as O2) |
Oxygen, Dissolved Resolution | 0.1 mg/L |
Oxygen, Dissolved Accuracy | ±0.4 mg/L ±3% of reading |
Oxygen, Dissolved Method | Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, Azide modified Winkler method |
Absorbance Specifications
Absorbance Range | 0.000 to 4.000 Abs |
Absorbance Resolution | 0.001 Abs |
Absorbance Accuracy | +/-0.003Abs @ 1.000 Abs |
Alkalinity Range | Freshwater: 0 to 500 mg/L (as CaCO3) Seawater: 0 to 300 mg/L (as CaCO3) |
Alkalinity Resolution | 1 mg/L |
Alkalinity Accuracy | ±5 mg/L ±5% of reading |
Alkalinity Method | Colorimetric method |
Aluminum Specifications
Aluminum Range | 0.00 to 1.00 mg/L (as Al3+) |
Aluminum Resolution | 0.01 mg/L |
Aluminum Accuracy | ±0.04 mg/L ±4% of reading |
Aluminum Method | Adaptation of the aluminon method |
Ammonia Specifications
Ammonia Range | Low Range: 0.00 to 3.00 mg/L Low Range (16 mm vial): 0.00 to 3.00 mg/L Medium Range: 0.00 to 10.00 mg/L High Range: 0.0 to 100.0 mg/L High Range (16 mm vial): 0.0 to 100.0 mg/L (all as NH3-N) |
Ammonia Resolution | Low and Medium Range: 0.01 mg/L High Range: 0.1 mg/L |
Ammonia Accuracy | Low Range: ±0.04 mg/L ±4% of reading Low Range (16 mm vial): ±0.10 mg/L or ±5% of reading Medium Range: ±0.05 mg/L ±5% of reading High range: ±0.5 mg/L ±5% of reading High range (16 mm vial): ±1 mg/L or ±5% of reading |
Ammonia Method | Adaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D1426-92, Nessler method |
Anionic Surfactants Specifications
Anionic Surfactants Range | 0.00 to 3.50 mg/L (as SDBS) |
Anionic Surfactants Resolution | 0.01 mg/L |
Anionic Surfactants Accuracy | ±0.04 mg/L ±3% of reading |
Anionic Surfactants Method | Adaptation of the USEPA method 425.1 and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 5540C, Anionic Surfactants as MBAS |
Bromine Specifications
Bromine Range | 0.00 to 8.00 mg/L (as Br2) |
Bromine Resolution | 0.01 mg/L |
Bromine Accuracy | ±0.08 mg/L ±3% of reading |
Bromine Method | Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, DPD method. |
Calcium Specifications
Calcium Range | Freshwater: 0 to 400 mg/L (as Ca2+) Seawater: 200 to 600 mg/L (as Ca2+) |
Calcium Resolution | 1 mg/L |
Calcium Accuracy | Freshwater: ±10 mg/L ±5% of reading Seawater: ±6% of reading |
Calcium Method | Freshwater: Adaptation of the Oxalate method Seawater: Adaptation of the Zincon method |
Chemical Oxygen Demand Specifications
Chemical Oxygen Demand Range | Low Range: 0 to 150 mg/L Medium Range: 0 to 1500 mg/L High Range:0 to 15000 mg/L |
Chemical Oxygen Demand Resolution | 1 mg/L |
Chemical Oxygen Demand Accuracy | Low Range: ±5 mg/L ±4% of reading Medium Range: ±15 mg/L ±4% of reading High Range: ±150 mg/L ±2% of reading |
Chemical Oxygen Demand Method | Adaptation of the USEPA 410.4 ISO dichromate methods Mercury-free dichromate green method (LR & MR); dichromate method (HR) |
Chlorine Dioxide Specifications
Chlorine Dioxide Range | 0.00 to 2.00 mg/L (as ClO2) |
Chlorine Dioxide Resolution | 0.01 mg/L |
Chlorine Dioxide Accuracy | ±0.10 mg/L ±5% of reading |
Chlorine Dioxide Method | Adaptation of the Chlorophenol Red method. |
Chlorine Specifications
Free Chlorine Range | 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (as Cl2) Ultra Low Range: 0.000 to 0.500 mg/L (as Cl2) |
Free Chlorine Resolution | 0.01 mg/L Ultra Low Range: 0.001 mg/L |
Free Chlorine Accuracy | ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading Ultra Low Range: ±0.020 mg/L ±3% of reading |
Total Chlorine Range | 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (as Cl2) Ultra Low Range: 0.000 to 0.500 mg/L (as Cl2) Ultra High Range: 0 to 500 mg/L (as Cl2) |
Total Chlorine Resolution | 0.01 mg/L Ultra Low Range: 0.001 mg/L Ultra High Range:1 mg/L |
Total Chlorine Accuracy | ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading Ultra Low Range: ±0.020 mg/L ±3% of reading Ultra High Range: ±3 mg/L ±3% of reading |
Chlorine Method | Adaptation of the EPA 330.5 DPD method Free Chlorine (ULR) & Total Chlorine (UHR): Adaptation of the Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-Cl |
Chromium, Hexavalent Specifications
Chromium, Hexavalent Range | Low Range: 0 to 300 μg/L (as Cr6+) High Range: 0 to 1000 μg/L (as Cr6+) |
Chromium, Hexavalent Resolution | 1 μg/L |
Chromium, Hexavalent Accuracy | Low Range: ±1 μg/L ±4% of reading High Range: ±5 μg/L ±4% of reading |
Chromium, Hexavalent Method | Adaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D1687-92, Diphenylcarbohydrazide method. |
Color, Water Specifications
Color, Water Range | 0 to 500 PCU (Platinum Cobalt Units) |
Color, Water Resolution | 1 PCU |
Color, Water Accuracy | ±10 PCU ±5% of reading |
Color, Water Method | Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, Colorimetric Platinum Cobalt method. |
Copper Specifications
Copper Range | Low Range: 0.000 to 1.500 mg/L (as Cu2+) High range: 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (as Cu2+) |
Copper Resolution | 0.001 mg/L; 0.01 mg/L |
Copper Accuracy | Low Range: ±0.01 mg/L ±5% of reading High Range ±0.02 mg/L ±4% of reading |
Copper Method | Adaptation of the EPA bicinchoninate method |
Cyanuric Acid Specifications
Cyanuric Acid Range | 0 to 80 mg/L (as CYA) |
Cyanuric Acid Resolution | 1 mg/L |
Cyanuric Acid Accuracy | ±1 mg/L ±15% of reading |
Cyanuric Acid Method | Adaptation of the turbidimetric method |
Fluoride Specifications
Fluoride Range | Low Range: 0.00 to 2.00 mg/L (as F-) High range: 0.0 to 20.0 mg/L (as F-) |
Fluoride Resolution | 0.01 mg/L; 0.1 mg/L |
Fluoride Accuracy | Low Range: ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading High Range: ±0.5 mg/L ±3% of reading |
Fluoride Method | Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, SPADNS method |
Hardness, Total Specifications
Hardness, Total Range | Low Range: 0 to 250 mg/L (as CaCO3) Medium Range: 200 to 500 mg/L (as CaCO3) High Range: 400 to 750 mg/L (as CaCO3) |
Hardness, Total Resolution | 1 mg/L |
Hardness, Total Accuracy | Low Range: ±5 mg/L ±4% of reading Medium Range: ±7 mg/L ±3% of reading High Range: ±10 mg/L ±2% of reading |
Hardness, Total Method | Adaptation of the EPA recommended method 130.1 |
Hardness, Calcium Specifications
Hardness, Calcium Range | 0.00 to 2.70 mg/L (as CaCO3) |
Hardness, Calcium Resolution | 0.01 mg/L |
Hardness, Calcium Accuracy | ±0.11 mg/L ±5% of reading |
Hardness, Calcium Method | Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, Calmagite method |
Hardness, Magnesium Specifications
Hardness, Magnesium Range | 0.00 to 2.00 mg/L (as CaCO3) |
Hardness, Magnesium Resolution | 0.01 mg/L |
Hardness, Magnesium Accuracy | ±0.11 mg/L ±5% of reading |
Hardness, Magnesium Method | Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, EDTA Colorimetric method |
Hydrazine Specifications
Hydrazine Range | 0 to 400 μg/L (as N2H4) |
Hydrazine Resolution | 1 μg/L |
Hydrazine Accuracy | ±4% of full scale reading |
Hydrazine Method | Adaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, method D1385-88, p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde method |
Iodine Specifications
Iodine Range | 0.0 to 12.5 mg/L (as I2) |
Iodine Resolution | 0.1 mg/L |
Iodine Accuracy | ±0.1 mg/L ±5% of reading |
Iodine Method | Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, DPD method |
Iron Specifications
Iron Range | Low Range: 0.000 to 1.600 mg/L (as Fe) High Range: 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L (as Fe) |
Iron Resolution | 0.001 mg/L; 0.01 mg/L |
Iron Accuracy | Low Range: ±0.01 mg/L ±8% of reading High Range: ±0.04 mg/L ±2% of reading |
Iron Method | Low Range: Adaptation of the TPTZ Method High Range: Adaptation of the EPA Phenanthroline method 315B, for natural and treated waters |
Magnesium Specifications
Magnesium Range | 0 to 150 mg/L (as Mg2+) |
Magnesium Resolution | 1 mg/L |
Magnesium Accuracy | ±5 mg/L ±3% of reading |
Magnesium Method | Adaptation of the Calmagite method |
Manganese Specifications
Manganese Range | Low Range: 0 to 300 μg/L (as Mn) High Range: 0.0 to 20.0 (as Mn) |
Manganese Resolution | 1 μg/L; 0.1 mg/L |
Manganese Accuracy | Low Range: ±10 μg/L ±3% of reading High Range: ±0.2 mg/L ±3% of reading |
Manganese Method | Low Range: Adaptation of the PAN Method High Range: Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, Periodate method |
Molybdenum Specifications
Molybdenum Range | 0.0 to 40.0 mg/L (as Mo6+) |
Molybdenum Resolution | 0.1 mg/L |
Molybdenum Accuracy | ±0.3 mg/L ±5% of reading |
Molybdenum Method | Adaptation of the mercaptoacetic acid method |
Nickel Specifications
Nickel Range | Low Range: 0.000 to 1.000 mg/L (as Ni) High Range: 0.00 to 7.00 g/L (as Ni) |
Nickel Resolution | 0.001 mg/L; 0.01 g/L |
Nickel Accuracy | Low range: ±0.010 mg/L ±7% of reading High Range: ±0.07 g/L ±4% of reading |
Nickel Method | Low Range: Adaptation of the PAN method High Range: Adaptation of the photometric method |
Nitrate Specifications
Nitrate Range | 0.0 to 30.0 mg/L (as NO3-- N) 16 mm vial: 0.0 to 30.0 mg/L (as NO3-- N) |
Nitrate Resolution | 0.1 mg/L |
Nitrate Accuracy | ±0.5 mg/L ±10% of reading 16 mm vial: ±1.0 mg/L or ±3% of reading |
Nitrate Method | Adaptation of the cadmium reduction method 16 mm vial: Chromotropic acid method |
Nitrite Specifications
Nitrite Range | Freshwater Low Range: 0 to 600 μg/L (as NO2--N) High Range: 0 to 150 mg/L (as NO2-) Seawater Ultra Low Range: 0 to 200 μg/L (as NO2--N) |
Nitrite Resolution | Freshwater: 1 μg/L; 1 mg/L Seawater: 1 μg/L |
Nitrite Accuracy | Freshwater Low Range: ±20 μg/L ±4% of reading High Range: ±4 mg/L ±4% of reading Seawater ±10 μg/L ±4% of reading |
Nitrite Method | Low Range and Seawater: Adaptation of the EPA Diazotization method 354.1 High Range: Adaptation of the Ferrous Sulfate method |
Nitrogen, Total Specifications
Nitrogen, Total Range | Low Range: 0.0 to 25.0 mg/L (as NO3--N) High Range: 0 to 150 mg/L (as N) |
Nitrogen, Total Resolution | 0.1 mg/L; 1 mg/L |
Nitrogen, Total Accuracy | Low Range: ±1.0 mg/L or ±5% of reading High Range: ±3 mg/L or ±4% of reading |
Nitrogen, Total Method | Chromotropic acid method |
Oxygen, Scavenger Specifications
Oxygen, Scavenger Range | 0 to 1000 μg/L (as DEHA) 0.00 to 1.50 mg/L (as Carbohydrazide) 0.00 to 2.50 mg/L (as Hydroquinone) 0.00 to 4.50 mg/L (as ISO-ascorbic acid) |
Oxygen, Scavenger Resolution | 1 μg/L (DEHA); 0.01 mg/L |
Oxygen, Scavenger Accuracy | ±5 μg/L ±5% of reading |
Oxygen, Scavenger Method | Adaptation of the iron reduction method |
Ozone Specifications
Ozone Range | 0.00 to 2.00 mg/L (as O3) |
Ozone Resolution | 0.01 mg/L |
Ozone Accuracy | ±0.02 mg/L ±3% of reading |
Ozone Method | Colorimetric DPD Method |
Phosphate Specifications
Phosphate Range | Freshwater Low Range: 0.00 to 2.50 mg/L (as PO43-) High range: 0.0 to 30.0 mg/L(as PO43-) Seawater Ultra Low Range: 0 to 200 μg/L (as P) |
Phosphate Resolution | Freshwater: 0.01 mg/L; 0.1 mg/L Seawater: 1 μg/L |
Phosphate Accuracy | Freshwater Low Range: ±0.04 mg/L ±4% of reading High Range: ±1 mg/L ±4% of reading Seawater Ultra Low Range: ±5 μg/L ±5% of reading |
Phosphate Method | Freshwater Low Range: Adaptation of the Ascorbic Acid method Freshwater High Range and Seawater Ultra Low Range: Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, Amino Acid method |
Phosphorous, Acid Hydrolyzable Specifications
Phosphorous, Acid Hydrolyzable Range | 0.00 to 1.60 mg/L (as P) |
Phosphorous, Acid Hydrolyzable Resolution | 0.01 mg/L |
Phosphorous, Acid Hydrolyzable Accuracy | ±0.05 mg/L or ±5% of reading |
Phosphorous, Acid Hydrolyzable Method | Adaptation of the EPA method 365.2 and Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-P E, ascorbic acid method |
Phosphorous, Reactive Specifications
Phosphorous, Reactive Range | Low Range: 0.00 to 1.60 mg/L (as P) High Range: 0.0 to 32.6 mg/L (as P) |
Phosphorous, Reactive Resolution | 0.01 mg/L; 0.1 mg/L |
Phosphorous, Reactive Accuracy | Low Range: ±0.05 mg/L or ±4% of reading High Range: ±0.5 mg/L or ±4% of reading |
Phosphorous, Reactive Method | Low Range: Adaptation of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, ascorbic acid method, and EPA method 365.2 High Range: Adaptation of the vanadomolybdophosphoric acid method. |
Phosphorous, Total Specifications
Phosphorous, Total Range | Low Range: 0.00 to 1.15 mg/L (as P) High Range: 0.0 to 32.6 mg/L (as P) |
Phosphorous, Total Accuracy | Low Range: ±0.05 mg/L or ±6% of reading High Range: ±0.5 mg/L or ±5% of reading |
Phosphorous, Total Resolution | Low Range: 0.01 mg/L; 0.1 mg/L |
Phosphorous, Total Method | Low Range: Adaptation of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition, 4500-P E, ascorbic acid method, and EPA method 365.2 High Range: Adaptation of the vanadomolybdophosphoric acid method |
Potassium Specifications
Potassium Range | 0.0 to 20.0 mg/L (as K) |
Potassium Resolution | 0.1 mg/L |
Potassium Accuracy | ±3.0 mg/L ±7% of reading |
Potassium Method | Adaptation of the Turbidimetric Tetraphenylborate method |
Silica Specifications
Silica Range | Low Range: 0.00 to 2.00 mg/L (as SiO2) High Range: 0 to 200 mg/L (as SiO2) |
Silica Resolution | 0.01 mg/L; 1 mg/L |
Silica Accuracy | Low Range: ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading High Range: ±1 mg/L ±5% of reading |
Silica Method | Low Range: Adaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D859, Heteropoly Molybdenum Blue method High Range: Adaptation of the USEPA Method 370.1 and Standard Method 4500-SiO2 |
Silver Specifications
Silver Range | 0.000 to 1.000 mg/L (as Ag) |
Silver Resolution | 0.001 mg/L |
Silver Accuracy | ±0.020 mg/L ±5% of reading |
Silver Method | Adaptation of the PAN method |
Sulfate Specifications
Sulfate Range | 0 to 150 mg/L (as SO42-) |
Sulfate Resolution | 1 mg/L |
Sulfate Accuracy | ±5 mg/L ±3% of reading |
Sulfate Method | Turbidimetric - Sulfate is precipitated with barium chloride crystals |
Zinc Specifications
Zinc Range | 0.00 to 3.00 mg/L (as Zn) |
Zinc Resolution | 0.01 mg/L |
Zinc Accuracy | ±0.03 mg/L ±3% of reading |
Zinc Method | Adaptation of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, Zincon method |
General Meter Specifications
Input Channels | 1 pH electrode input and 5 photometer wavelengths |
pH Electrode | digital pH electrode (not included) |
Logging Type | log on demand with user name and sample ID optional input |
Logging Memory | 1000 readings |
Connectivity | USB-A host for flash drive; micro-USB-B for power and computer connectivity |
GLP | calibration data for connected pH electrode |
Display | 128 x 64 pixel LCD with backlight |
Battery Type / Life | 3.7 VDC Li-polymer rechargeable battery / >500 photometric measurements or 50 hours of continuous pH measurement |
Power Supply | 5 VDC USB 2.0 power adapter with USB-A to micro-USB-B cable (included) |
Environment | 0 to 50.0 oC (32 to 122.0 oF); 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing |
Dimensions | 206 x 177 x 97 mm (8.1 x 7.0 x 3.8") |
Weight | 1.0 kg (2.2 lbs.) |
Photometer/Colorimeter Light Source | 5 LEDs with 420 nm, 466 nm, 525 nm, 575 nm, and 610 nm narrow band interference filters |
Photometer/Colorimeter Light Detector | silicon photodetector |
Bandpass Filter Bandwidth | 8 nm |
Bandpass Filter Wavelength Accuracy | ±1 nm |
Cuvette Type | round, 24.6 mm |
Number of Methods | 128 max. |
Ordering Information | HI83399 is supplied with sample cuvettes and caps (4 ea.), cloth for wiping cuvettes, USB to micro USB cable connector, power adapter and instruction manual. |